Aisha’s Egypt: Watermelon Pyramids


Modern Egyptian pyramids are a lot more accessible than the old ones, and they taste much better, too!

Early mornings are a great time to see strange sights in Egypt. I’m happy to report that pyramid building is still in the DNA of the Egyptians, and the market is the best place to see this skill displayed. Summer is juicy sweet watermelon season, and all the vendors have stacked up huge numbers of them just like pyramids.

Mohamed and I love watermelons, don’t you? It’s hard to beat a crispy, sweet, cold bowl of watermelon in the evenings instead of cooking in the hot kitchen. When we get to the end of our supply in the garage, it means I get another trip to the city and more fun taking photographs. We just ran out a few days ago, so guess what –

Today we went to the market, bought a few more watermelons, and saw the pyramids, too!



39 thoughts on “Aisha’s Egypt: Watermelon Pyramids

  1. Hi Aisha ! Those Egyptian pyramids are a great wonder to ponder upon the mysteries of universe and I love them. But I am sure your pyramids were not bad enough 😛 Enjoy your melons and have a great day . Love you.


    • I didn’t notice watermelons among your gorgeous garden, but I bet you are enjoying them, too, Sue! They’ve been really sweet this year! You know, I saw in the winter they stack the oranges in big pyramids, too, and I can’t imagine how they do that – I have to get a picture when orange season comes around again! It’s interesting living within the boundaries of seasons here, not like the states where everything comes from everywhere – we have to wait patiently for things to come into season here, I guess it makes the seasons more special, and fruit has a weather/temperature associated with it… I’m dreaming of winter oranges, lol, right now! Sending you some cool breeze and it’s carrying my hugs for you! ♥♥♥ ;^)


    • Lol, thanks so much Juliann! I’m starting to get a little bolder about taking photographs, and the less I care what people thinks, the better photographs I’m getting now! Sometimes people here are a bit rude about strangers taking pictures, but I’ve learned to kindly tell them to mind their own business. I missed a great shot yesterday because I waited for a woman in niqab to pass before I took my picture, and missed it afterall, and she put her bags down and came back to give me a shit for taking a picture. I told her it wasnt her I was taking the shot of and when she still wanted to be ugly about me taking pictures I had no choice but to revert to english and give her a few choice bits of advice, too! Lol, I’m losing my fear because of other people’s bad behavior! Thanks for visiting me here, I’m always happy to see you! ♥♥♥ ;^)


  2. Haha! This made me smile 🙂 I know what you mean though, it’s great being in country where exotic fruis are so readily available – and cheap! I found I missed them quite a lot when I went back home to the UK for a visit!


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